Shari Medini

Shari Medini lives in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania with a supportive husband and two busy, little boys. Shari has written for The Huffington Post, NickMom, and Scary Mommy; but she blogs most regularly at and

Ryan Duff

Ryan has been using WordPress for over 10 years. He focuses mainly on developing plugins and data migrations. He currently applies this experience full time solving all types of advanced problems for clients. He also runs and speaks at the WordPress Harrisburg meetup.

Bryan Nelson

I’m a 17 year old high school student at Conestoga Valley High School. I graduate this year, and I will be going to HACC for two years and transferring. I am the Deputy Executive Director of a recently founded online organization called Agora. I also recently started my own WordPress to follow my reading habits, and discuss literacy and education.

Tom Shapiro

Tom Shapiro is Founder and CEO of Stratabeat, a marketing strategy and design agency. Services include WordPress website design & development, marketing strategy, branding, SEO, paid search, conversion optimization, PR and display advertising. Through the years, Tom has developed digital strategies for various market leaders, such as Intel, Hewlett-Packard, AT&T, Kraft Foods and P&G. Tom’s insights on websites, UX and marketing have been published in,, iMedia Connection, MarketingProfs, MediaPost, Search Marketing Standard, Website Magazine and others.

Beth Soderberg

Beth is a a front end web developer, design lover, cat mom, feminist, genealogist, herbivore environmentalist, and politico. Her happy place is where code and design intersect and she is obsessive about clean code and solid design execution. About a year ago, Beth built a web animation project and has been hooked on experimenting with all of the ways one can create interactivity and dynamism with cutting edge CSS ever since. Beth works at APCO Worldwide as a front end developer and WordPress specialist. She is also an active member of the WordPress Training Team, the WordPress TV team, and is involved with the DCFemTech coalition in Washington, DC.

Liam Dempsey

Having started his creative life as a print designer, Liam Dempsey likes to call himself a designer who codes. Working in print and new media, Liam runs a small international marketing and design consultancy, LBDesign. Through LBDesign, Liam works with businesses and non-profits across the US, the UK, and Africa. Liam is also the co-founder and organizer of the Philly ‘burbs WordPress Meetup.

Nick Smith

Nick started as Music Composition student blogging on WordPress. Slowly tweaking the WordPress theme to his liking, Nick found his true passion and started creating custom themes for WordPress. An avid learner, Nick has embraced new technology after new technology, but is always drawn back to WordPress as a great tool to engage clients and consumers on an easy-to-use platform. He has released a few custom plugins, but focuses his efforts on making complex issues simpler for software users to understand. Nick is a full stack web engineer at 10up, with a focus on JavaScript.

WordCamp Lancaster, PA is over. Check out the next edition!