
By Train

I just added some details to one of our event’s evergreen* pages, Location.

The last time I dropped my brother off at the Lancaster station, he said, “Oh, I forgot how cool your train station is.” This didn’t make sense to me because I don’t travel as much as he does, and everything is beautiful here in one of our country’s oldest small cities.

I updated our location and travel page to note that rides from Penn Station, New York City to Lancaster are three hours and a little less than $65, with stops in and around Philadelphia. But you should also know the station was built in 1929, and looks like this:

Niagara [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]

In 2018, Lancaster was the second-busiest Amtrak station in Pennsylvania behind Philadelphia’s 30th street station.

* Evergreen content never loses its relevance. WordCamp Lancaster gets a new website each year, but we copy pages like Location and bring them along for the ride.

Sixty-five dollars is much more than our ticket price of just $25, which includes lunch. Tickets are on sale now.