Having My Website Hacked Was the Best Thing That Could Have Happened to Me

I bet your website hacking wasn’t covered on MTV. Mine was. Never mind putting your website back together, how do you recover reputation and self-esteem after an online mob comes for you? After lifting myself up from the depths of embarrassment and despondency, I re-evaluated everything we did, and learned invaluable life lessons that went beyond having a strong password.
The session will cover:
• Practical security tips that people should take
• Safeguarding your online reputation
• Managing employees and volunteers
• Preventing disaster and what to do if you find yourself in an unfortunate situation
• Most importantly, it will cover how true success lies in cooperation and collaboration, and by not letting others define you by your online perceived persona.


By Laura Byrne

Laura started off her career with educational non-profits, where marketing was part of everyone's job description. After dabbling in in Microsoft FrontPage for a few years, Laura found WordPress in 2006 when she and a friend decided to build a website with a blog and forum for fans to discuss a then little-known book called Twilight. What started out as an obscure website, rapidly grew into the most popular Twilight website on the internet with millions of visitors each day from around the globe.

Thrust into a vortex of viral website management meets Hollywood, Laura's marketing arsenal exponentially grew, as she hit the ground running with new skill sets in SEO, social media strategy, podcasting, event management, and more.

These days, Laura works for WebDev Studios as an account manager. She’s created/written content for over 100 WordPress sites mostly in the non-profit and entertainment worlds.

Laura currently resides in Putnam County NY.